Jul 19Liked by Brianna Amore

Good Dairy, Sadly we have allowed the Oligarchical Collective to get their dirty little chicken Plucking fingers into everything and control the lives of the people.

" "The artificial creation of civil-war conditions by which the Nazis blackmailed their way into

power has more than the obvious advantage of stirring up trouble. For the movement, organized

violence is the most efficient of the many protective walls which surround its fictitious world,

whose ‘reality’ is proved when a member fears leaving the movement more than he fears the

consequences of his complicity in illegal actions, and feels more secure as a member than as an

opponent. This feeling of security, resulting from the organized violence with which the elite

formations protect the party members from the outside world, is as important to the integrity of

the fictitious world of the organization as the fear of its terror."

Hannah Arendt The Origins of Totalitarianism, Ch 11 The Totalitarian Movement II: Totalitarian Organization page 330"

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Happy 4th. It may be our last

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